Above the Grand provides casual experience for artistic-minded shopper

The area is perfect. The town is just right. And the grand opening during a citywide festival on May 3 was the ideal time to launch a retail business focused on Michigan art and products.
"We're just a block away from the river in a nice quaint area of historic Grand Ledge," says Bill Berk of the newly-opened Above the Grand. "We feel that people will enjoy seeing all the items made by a lot of local artists as well as the products from local Michigan growers."
Berk and his wife, Amber Warner-Berk, were persuaded by their life-long love of art to open the 1,600-square foot store. It's a way, Berk says, that they can provide a space to support local artists as well as to carry artsy merchandise for customers.
Above the Grand will feature items that range from jewelry to paintings to Michigan goods like syrup and honey. The Berks will curate some jewelry and handmade wares through Etsy to build a one-of-a-kind inventory for shoppers seeking personal items or gifts. Crystals, healing wands, simmering chips and candles are also among the mix.
"When we go to select items for our store, we think about who might like it, and not necessarily about whether we like it or not," says Berk. "We're trying to be very open to things."
Berk says local artists are welcome to visit and to discuss selling their creations through the store. Once the store is up and running, he hopes to spotlight an artist each month.
The Berks totally renovated the interior of the shop to give the space a more contemporary feel.
"It's a very casual and relaxed atmosphere," says Berk. "We're basically a family business."
Source: Bill Berk, Co-Owner, Above the Grand
Writer: Ann Kammerer, Development News Editor
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